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Lakeside Christian Church

Welcome to Lakeside!

A community of believers discovering and living out God's heart together.

Our Story

Lakeside Christian Church is a Christ centered, Holy Spirit led, Biblically based non-denominational church. We are a community of people w... Read More

Our Worship

Our corporate worship is filled with joyful song, Scripture, and prayer. We encourage the Holy Spirit to move freely through us on Sunday m... Read More

image description

Our Ministry Model

The foundation of everything we do is based in the Father's love towards us, our love for Jesus and our desire to be led by the Holy Spirit... Read More

Points of Interest

Sunday Morning

Join us for our Sunday morning worship service as we gather to corporately worship and int... Read More

Who We Are

Who We Are

A Community of Believers Discovering and Living Out God's Heart Together

The Lakeside community is a family of believers with a singular desire to discover more of God's heart and seek to live in the fullness of who God has created us to be. Our passion is to provide resources to enable God's people to advance the Kingdom of God in our city, region, and around the world. It is our mission to provide practical Biblically based teaching as we train, equip, and release God's people to be ministers to everyone around them in their areas of influence. It is also our desire to partner with other churches and Christian organizations by providing our property and facilities to be used for ministry and the advancement of His Kingdom.

Our Mission

We are called to be God’s people through whom God can teach, train, equip and release His servants to minister to His Church and to the World.